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Loose Ends: Los Angeles Government in the 21st Century

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Loose Ends: Los Angeles Government in the 21st Century


Community Connections at the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy

Join The League of Women Voters of Los Angeles and the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation for a conversation with Raphael J. Sonenshein, Ph.D.

The panel also includes: Connie Rice, Co-Director, The Advancement Project and William F. Deverell, Ph.D., Director, Huntington-USC Institute on California & the West.

Reception starts at 5:30 pm, the program at 6:30 pm. It is free, but reservations are required at or 213.972.0884.


5:30 PM PDT

Democracy Forum



Community Connections at the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy

Join The League of Women Voters of Los Angeles and the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation for a conversation with Raphael J. Sonenshein, Ph.D.

The panel also includes: Connie Rice, Co-Director, The Advancement Project and William F. Deverell, Ph.D., Director, Huntington-USC Institute on California & the West.

Reception starts at 5:30 pm, the program at 6:30 pm. It is free, but reservations are required at or 213.972.0884.

The Democracy Center explores the rights, freedoms, and fragility of democracy, helping to build bridges, and find common ground between people of diverse backgrounds and opinions.

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