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Town Hall Los Angeles presents Nadine Strossen, President, American Civil Liberties Union

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Town Hall Los Angeles presents Nadine Strossen, President, American Civil Liberties Union


Community Connections at the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy

Nadine Strossen is the first woman to head the nation's largest and oldest civil liberties organization. Called "one of the 100 most influential lawyers in the America," Strossen shares her thoughts on the intersection of constitutional law, civil liberties, and international human rights. For more information and reservations visit the Town Hall Los Angeles website or call 213.312.9308. Click here

This program is co-sponsored by the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy, an educational program of the National Museum that promotes democracy, diversity, and civic involvement. For more information, visit


12:00 PM PST

Aratani Central Hall



Community Connections at the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy

Nadine Strossen is the first woman to head the nation's largest and oldest civil liberties organization. Called "one of the 100 most influential lawyers in the America," Strossen shares her thoughts on the intersection of constitutional law, civil liberties, and international human rights. For more information and reservations visit the Town Hall Los Angeles website or call 213.312.9308. Click here

This program is co-sponsored by the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy, an educational program of the National Museum that promotes democracy, diversity, and civic involvement. For more information, visit

The Democracy Center explores the rights, freedoms, and fragility of democracy, helping to build bridges, and find common ground between people of diverse backgrounds and opinions.

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