Step into the captivating world of Henry Yuzuru Sugimoto, a Japanese American artist whose journey from Wakayama, Japan, to Hanford, California, and ultimately to the bustling streets of Manhattan, influenced his diverse and evocative body of artworks.

Tanaka Photo Studio: Family, Tradition, Business, and Community Before World War II is an online exhibition that highlights the work of Issei photographer Chikashi Tanaka (1888–1977). Tanaka Photo Studio operated in the heart of Los Angeles’s Little Tokyo from the time he first came to the city in 1912 until he and his family were incarcerated at the Gila River concentration camp in 1942. 

Join us for our fourth and final part of Empathy & Democracy, a unique live podcast and pop-up art series by the Democracy Center and Gratitude Blooming that is guided by the changing seasons. In partnership with Visual Communications, we center the practice of Fearless Gratitude through nature-based reflection prompts and guided meditations to explore new depths of gratitude. 


JANM’s dynamic resources educate and inspire people with the stories and lessons of the Japanese American experience. Create conversations by engaging your team with the power of history to promote empathy today.

JANM’s new podcast explores unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs of Japanese Americans and illuminates their contributions to the mosaic of American life. 

Irei: National Monument for the WWII Japanese American Incarceration is a multi-faceted project to address the erasure of the identities of individuals of Japanese ancestry who experienced wartime incarceration and to expand the concept of what monument is through three distinct, interlinking elements: a sacred book of names as a monument (Ireicho), a website as a monument (Ireizo), and light sculptures as monuments (Ireihi).


この展覧会は、JANMがストーリーファイル社のテクノロジーを使い、非営利団体ジャパニーズ・アメリカン・ストーリーズの企画と共催によって開催するものです。この新しい展示は11月28日(日)午後10時(PST)、CBS「サンデーモーニング」のゴールデンタイムの1時間特別番組 「フォーエバー・ヤング:若さの泉を探して」で特集されました。


