black and white photo of lily pads

Past Exhibition

Making Waves

Japanese American Photography, 1920–1940

For press inquiries, email or call 213.625.0414.

Press Photo Gallery

(Password Access Only—contact for access.)

February 28 - June 26, 2016

Japanese American National Museum

For press inquiries, email or call 213.625.0414.

Press Photo Gallery

(Password Access Only—contact for access.)


Press Releases

February 28 - June 26, 2016

Japanese American National Museum

For press inquiries, email or call 213.625.0414.

Press Photo Gallery

(Password Access Only—contact for access.)


JANM in the News

Los Angeles Times

By Christopher Knight

December 15, 2016

In chronological order of their opening, these were the 10 most engaging art museum exhibitions that I saw this year within L.A.’s immediate orbit.

“Making Waves: Japanese American Photography, 1920-1940,” Japanese American National Museum

The shameful World War II internment nearly erased the extraordinary Modernist legacy of Japanese American photographers, working primarily but not exclusively in L.A., which this long-awaited exhibition beautifully restored.


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